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fredag 7 augusti 2020

Dom vet mitt namn men inte min historia!

Dom krossade mig, Dom dömde mig.

Dom äter mig levande. Jag hör deras ord jag ser deras ögon.

Ja jag förstår jag vet. Men ni lyssnar inte, ni förstår inte. Så blind så döva! 

Fångad i ett system som aldrig funkat. Det är så lätt att se det ni vill se. 

Dom stirrar på mig! Dom ser stressen, dom ser paniken och rädslan.

Så blinda så korkade. Dom varken ser eller hör dom lyssnar inte!

Dom vet mitt namn men inte min historia. 

We were strong

We were strong we were stubborn.

We had dreams we had a life.

You were the warmth of my heart.

You were the one who made me love.

you gave me joy you gave me hope.

But on the way we got lost. We lost everything.

You locked me out. You closed the door.

Yo broke my spirit you broke my heart.

The sun went out the light disappeared.

RIght now!

What the hell !

Who is that staring at me Blood red eyes a soulless smile so familiar!! So twisted and tormented I see the fear, the scars, the smell of dec...

I am what i am!