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onsdag 4 november 2020

Living with autism!! Thanks for nothing absolutely nothing!

Good days bad days

No change, no improvement

Day out and day in! Just waiting for an answer

An answer that never comes. Just total silence

It's increasing day by day I'm a nervous wreck

Disaster thoughts only get stronger daily anxiety and panic

My brain can't sort anything out

There are no good days, no bad days

There is always constant stress and anxiety

So thanks for nothing absolutely nothing !!

Thanks for the pain thanks for all the lies

Thank you for making my life a living hell.

This is not okay, it's never been okay, it's never going to be okay

So do not judge people before you know or understand them

Do not judge someone because they are not like you and act like you

Show understanding accept that everyone is different

It is not easy to live with autism  when no one understands or even tries to understand

So thanks for nothing absolutely nothing !!

lördag 31 oktober 2020

Take it crush it make it disappear!!

Why it is not possible to filter

Process sort clear my thoughts

Why is everything stuck on the inside of my mind

Why can it not process sort everything out

I need to stop thinking, But my mind refuses

An eternal battle between body and mind

My brain is my worst enemy my anxiety my panic

I'm stuck with something I do not want

A constantly overthinking fucking brain

Take it crush it make it disappear

torsdag 29 oktober 2020

Thanks for giving me a life of constant anxiety!!

Thank you for being there

Thank you for listening, supporting and all your help

Thanks for understanding, Fucking this

Thank you for absolutely nothing more than ruining my life

No support no help no understanding

Thanks for giving me a life of constant anxiety

Thank you healthcare for all the diagnoses you have created

RIght now!

What the hell !

Who is that staring at me Blood red eyes a soulless smile so familiar!! So twisted and tormented I see the fear, the scars, the smell of dec...

I am what i am!