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onsdag 9 december 2020

Jag vill bara inte vara längre !!

Ibland vill jag inte vara!!

Jag låser dörren och gömmer mig

Djupt inne i min egen fängelsecell

Sprider jag min egen sjukdom

Jag sitter fast mellan fyra väggar

Fångad i mitt eget lilla helvete

Där väcks min rädsla alla mardrömmar

Det föder min smärta och ångest

Spöken från mitt förflutna jagar mig

Dom konsumerar mig dom förtär mig

Jag vill bara inte vara längre !!

tisdag 8 december 2020

That was when we moved to hell !! Brickebacken


I've always wondered why 

Why people choose to close their eyes 

I never understood why everyone turns their backs 

Why everyone pretend that nothing is wrong !!

Is it so easy to walk away from something you know is not right 

Why is it so easy to abandon and leave an innocent child 

I do not understand why everyone refused to see 

I guess no one could understand the reality or even deal with the truth 

Even though everyone knew something was wrong, 

No one had the courage to say anything at all 

But now I know that someone did and it just made everything worse 

That was when we moved to hell !! The apartment where everything escalated 

Where one, two, three became my reality

Thank you for everything!!

Thank you for being there !! 

Thank you for listening, supporting and all your help 

Thank you for understanding all youre acceptance!!

Thanks for giving me unconditional love!!

Thank you for being a perfect family so lovely and wonderful fuck this shit !! 

Thank you for completely ruining my whole life 

No support, no help, no understanding 

Thank you for giving me a life of constant anxiety 

Thanks for the nightmares and all the flashbacks 

Thank you for giving me a perfect life!!

Thank you for everything you never gave to me!!

Thanks for the absolute nothing !!

RIght now!

What the hell !

Who is that staring at me Blood red eyes a soulless smile so familiar!! So twisted and tormented I see the fear, the scars, the smell of dec...

I am what i am!